Policy on photography & filming

Policy on photography and filming for commercial or professional purposes at Exporail

Commercial and professional photography sessions (artistic or other) are not allowed at Exporail, the Canadian Railroad Museum without an agreement beforehand with the management and a duly signed contract with the Canadian Railroad Historical Association detailing the conditions and applicable fees.

This policy includes but is not limited to the following activities: 

  • Photography / filming with a model;
  • Photography / filming for portfolio creation or for student projects;
  • Photography / filming to illustrate a book / magazine or other printed or numerical work or to decorate or make an object;
  • Photography / filming to illustrate a professional or commercial Internet site;
  • Any other commercial or promotional project.

For information on rules, rates and package rates for commercial and professional photographs at Exporail, the Canadian Railroad Museum, please contact Nicole Gilbert at 450-638-1522, extension 221 or by e-mail at locations@exporail.org

Where photographs and/or filming were taken and used without the consent of the Canadian Railroad Historical Association, action will be taken that could lead to legal sanctions. The CRHA reserves the right to refuse any proposal.