100 Years of Canadian Railway Recipes

All aboard for an historic dining experience!

This 200 page cookbook  (available both in French and in English) contains 90 recipes collected from three major Canadian railways: CN, Canadian Pacific and VIA Rail Canada.

This cookbook is a unique treasure of railway heritage. Grouped under several mouth-watering themes, the recipes also feature superb archival photographs of artefacts, anecdotes from workers and historical information on life aboard dining cars and in the kitchens. A century of culinary expertise is highlighted to satisfy the most discriminating palate!

Click HERE to read an excerpt from the book

Where to purchase this cookbook?

SOLD OUT at the Gift Shop of Exporail !

The Cookbook is available in the following place:

Tourisme Montérégie (Brossard / QC) 450-766-1510

A team of Specialists

The cookbook was compiled by two Exporail authors : the preface was written by Jean-Paul Viaud, curator, and Marie-Paule Partikian, museologist, did the historical and iconographic research. History buffs will appreciate the details in this work.  

Artistic direction of the culinary aspects of the book was done by the team at  Prima Vidéo, under Line Pomerleau. Also, the 90 recipes taken from the CN, Canadian Pacific and VIA Rail Canada archives were tested by Culinary Stylist Josée Robitaille, who has worked with several well-known chefs. Some of the recipes were adapted to today’s tastes to make them easier to prepare. Christian Desjardins’ photographs add a contemporary and refined touch to this unique  cookbook.

Our Partners

This project was made possible by our main financial partner, the ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec and also, la Conférence régionale des élus (CRÉ) de la Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent. Many other partners contributed to the success of this project, particularly Martin Gemme, chef and sommelier at VIA Rail Canada, who introduced the more recent culinary heritage and, of course, the CN and Canadian Pacific, who continually support Exporail’s activities.

Fundraising Campaign (2013-2014)

Exporail wishes to thank everyone who donated generously to our on-line « crowdfunding » event on the Indiegogo.com website which took place last Spring and was led by Christian Bougie, in charge of philantropy, sponsors and parterships at Exporail.

All profits from the cookbook sales will be used for the preservation, conservation, research, exhibitions, education and dissemination of Canada’s railway heritage.