Fundraising campaign
An annual fundraising campaign is organized and features a host of activities, in partnership with long-standing partners, members of the Canadian Railroad Historical Association (CRHA) and their social networks as well as the Friends of the Museum.
Exporail, the Canadian Railway Museum, is a non-profit organization that sets up fundraising events to develop and showcase its collections.
Please consider making a donation today.
Online Donation – CanadaHelps
CanadaHelps is an online fundraising solution for charities. With CanadaHelps, all Canadian charities can accept donations over the internet.
CanadaHelps offers charities online solutions that are affordable, easy-to-use, and secure.
To make a donation by CanadaHelps web site.
Direct giving – CRHA
You can always forward us your donations by check at office, by post or in person:
Donation Services – CRHA
110, rue Saint-Pierre
Saint-Constant (Québec)
J5A 1G7
Make a donation
If you would like to contribute to the restoration of one of our collection’s vehicles, raise awareness of the exhibits, develop educational activities and other activities that showcase our rail heritage, please contact our general manager, Nadine Cloutier.