Railroad Days
From the Rocket to the REM
The Evolution of Rail Transportation
September 19, 2021
Presentation of the vehicles from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Exporail highlights three railway vehicles presented in the Grand Gallery of the museum: the first streetcar of Montreal (MSR 350), the first metro car (STM 81-502) and the full-scale model of the future REM (Réseau express métropolitain).
The new acquisition of the museum, the Gallery Car 900, will be presented outside near Barrington station.
The public will have the opportunity to climb aboard the first streetcar dating from 1892, to access the cabin of the Montreal metro’s motor car, to discover the future REM car, and to climb aboard a Gallery car (double-decker).
The visitors will discover the evolution of rail transportation in Montreal, the role of the operators, the comfort of the cars for the passengers, and the people behind this mode of transportation.
This is the first time that the museum’s public has been allowed access to the cab of the metro and the interior of the Gallery car.
- Visit with a museum guide of the interior of the MSR 350, the cabin of the MR-63 metro car, the 900 Gallery car, and the full-scale model of the REM.
- Demonstration of the John Molson steam locomotive on the museum site.
- Presentation of the kiosk Gareautrain on railway safety.
- Distribution of Exporail balloons and tattoos to children.
- Making of a cardboard model of the REM car.
- “Dburger mobile” food truck service on site.